Exotic Animals

Cats and dogs are amazing pets to have, but you may be considering something a little more...exotic. Exotic pets may not be as popular as other animals that you are used to seeing as part of a family’s household, but they can be just as fun, rewarding, and easy to form bonds with! 

Birds, for example, are highly intelligent animals that can be taught to or vocalize. Turtles, if provided the proper habitat and dietary requirements, can be another great addition to your home with their unique personalities. Reptiles are quiet, low-maintenance, scaly friends that can also offer you companionship without all the hassle. Read more below to discover what type of care each of these animals needs and if they’re right for you.

  • Rats

    Did you know rats make surprisingly affectionate pets? If you're thinking of bringing home a pet rat, here's what you need to know. Health Rats that are bred especially as pets are safe to keep and should be free of disease. But common conditions may affect your rats from time to time. Your veterinarian

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  • Chinchillas

    Chinchillas are playful, loveable, and amusing pets. If you want yours to remain in your family for long, you should ensure that it has a good diet. Chinchillas require a lot of attention due to their playful nature; therefore, it is best to have supervised playtime with yours if you want to create a

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  • Guinea Pigs

    Curious and inquisitive by nature, guinea pigs make great pets. These little bundles of fur are quite social and enjoy spending time with the people who handle, feed, and groom them. As a pet, guinea pigs are relatively low maintenance, rarely aggressive, and fun to own. How to Care Guinea pigs are playful,

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  • Hedgehogs

    Shy animals that roll into a ball when scared, hedgehogs are covered with spiky quills. They're small, clean, and fun to watch so they're quite popular as pets. Even so, these little guys need lots of activity to stay healthy. Health Hedgehogs can have health problems, including dental diseases, skin

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  • Hamsters

    Hamsters are cute and adorable. If you had one growing up, your parents probably took care of it. Taking care of them can be challenging; however, once you master the art, it becomes more manageable by the day. Here is how you can take care of your pet hamster. Bathing and Grooming Hamsters always stay

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  • What Your Dog’s Body Language Means

    Do you know what your dog's non-verbal signals mean?

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  • Snakes

    If you’re looking for a low-maintenance pet, then you might be interested in owning a snake. However, there are a few aspects of owning a snake that you need to be aware of before you make this type of commitment. Here’s what you need to know. What to Know Before Choosing a Pet Snake Before you purchase

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  • Frogs & Toads

    If you want an interesting change of pace or simply don't have the right environment for a dog or cat, a frog or toad might make the perfect companion for you. First, however, you need to acquaint yourself with these fascinating creatures and their requirements. Frogs Versus Toads: What's the Difference? Toads

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  • Newts

    Are you considering getting a pet newt? Newts may not be the most obvious choice for a pet, but as many veterinarians can tell you, newts are the smart pet choice for a variety of compelling reasons. Newts are sentient creatures; that is, they are self-aware and capable of forming bonds with humans.

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  • Salamanders

    Salamanders make great pets. They’re ideal for apartment residents because they’re quiet. They don’t take up a lot of room because they’re small. They don’t need a background to run around like a dog. They don’t require a lot of personal attention, so they’re also perfect for busy working

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  • Macaws

    If you've decided to enter the entertaining world of bird ownership, you may be thinking about adopting a macaw. These giants of the parrot world make fun companions, but here are some things you should consider before making that purchase. What You Should Know About Macaw Ownership Macaws can make a

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  • Cockatoos

    If you're looking for a lively, affectionate, intelligent pet, you don't have to limit yourself to a dog or cat. Members of the Cacatuidae family, better known as cockatoos, can provide those qualities in abundance. However, before you bring a cockatoo home for the first time, you need to understand

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  • Parrots

    If you’re thinking of adding a feathered friend to your family, you might be surprised at what it takes to care of this type of pet. While parrots are highly intelligent and fun pets, there are a few aspects that make them more difficult to care for than a cat or dog. Here’s what you need to know

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  • How to Help Your New Cat Feel Welcomed in Your Home

    Adopting a cat or kitten? Here's what you can do to help your cat adjust to its new home.

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  • Box Turtles

    North American box turtles are mainly terrestrial turtles, although they do spend some time in shallow water (Asian box turtles tend to be a bit more aquatic). Compared to aquatic turtles such as red eared sliders, they are more challenging and complex pets, and are not the best choice for beginning

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  • Budgies

    Budgies (budgerigars) are an extremely popular pet bird, and for good reason. These small parrots make delightful pets, and are usually friendly and easy to tame. While they can sometimes be difficult to understand, they are quite capable of mimicking speech. Budgies are sometimes also called parakeets

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